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Cynthia [OLD]

Cynthia_AltamiranoMy name is Cynthia Kay Daniels Altamirano and I am a Community Fellow at the Family Justice Center in Concord, California.

As a single parent of three sons in the 1970’s, I have encountered the need for family and community support.
I have a vision of faith organizations with the resources necessary to move from intention into action in service of a wider community. My goal is to help churches and faith communities understand, accept, and activate their abilities to lift up children and families within existing community and social programs.

The mission of my Project Faith in Action (M25, 35) was to become an ambassador of the Family Justice Center for the Cornerstone Fellowship and other faith organizations in order to present opportunities to contribute both financially and through volunteerism. In August, I coordinated a Back to School Drive where the Concord Community Fellows gave away 53 backpacks filled with school supplies, assisted by the generous donations of the Cornerstone Fellowship. I have presented at St. Mary’s College of California Women’s Resource Center on the work of the Family Justice Center. I have connected the Cornerstone Fellowship to various volunteer opportunities at the Family Justice Center, such as Camp Hope. Most recently, our church added the Family Justice Center officially to its volunteer opportunity roster.

Currently, I am raising funds for Safe Rest, a hotel voucher program. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please contact me at:

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