My name is Mariana Rosales and I am a Community Fellow at the Family Justice Center in Richmond, California.
I am married and mother of three wonderful boys, Nicholas Gonzalez (12), Bryant Gonzalez (10) and Alejandro Gonzalez (5). They are my motivation to move on.
Currently, I also work at Latina Center in the role of HIV and Leadership Program Coordinator. The Latina Center serves the Latino community through leadership and personal development opportunities. They support victims of domestic violence through support groups, leadership programs, Arte Sana Workshops, and therapeutic groups. I love to work with the Community.
The goal of Project Pasando La Voz (Spreading the Word) is for Latina women to gain awareness about types of domestic violence as well as understand the risks of acquiring HIV.
I created a presentation for the Latina Center called “Pasando la Voz con MIA” on these topics, to take place on December 8, 2016. I invited Selena Diaz and from Community Violence Solutions to contribute to the presentation on the topic of sexual abuse.
My hope is that this project will help many women to be more informed and let them know that they are not alone that there are many places in the community where they can ask for support and to break cycles of violence so they can have a happy life.