Richmond +510-974-7200
Concord +925-521-6366
Antioch +925-281-0970

FJC Building Safety Through Community

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Since our humble beginning in 2011 when we opened a pilot center at the Richmond Hilltop
Police Substation once a week, we have grown to operating three centers in partnership with
60+ partners agencies. Throughout the pandemic, we have stayed open physically and virtually
to help families dealing with violence, abuse, poverty and hunger. In 2021, we assisted over
5,200 individuals seeking safety and healing, which represents a 18% increase in the number of
clients from the previous year.

We invite you to become a sponsor of the event. Your sponsorship support will be recognized
before, during and after our event, via our website: (20,000+ visits per
month), monthly e-Newsletters (5,000+ subscribers) and social media. Please consider joining
one of the support circles below! To view the benefits simply click on the + icon to expand

Hope Circle ($10,000 and up)

• 20 event tickets
• Recognition on all our social media platforms and website

Healing Circle ($5,000 and up)

▪ 10 event tickets
▪ Recognition on all our social media platforms and website

Safety Circle ($2,500 and up)

▪ 10 event tickets
▪ Recognition on the Family Justice Center Website

Friends ($1,000 and up)

▪ 2 event tickets
▪ Recognition on the Family Justice Center Website

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If interested in becoming a sponsor please click the button below and under the note state the sponsorship you are donating towards.

Become a Sponsor
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