Richmond +510-974-7200
Concord +925-521-6366
Antioch +925-281-0970

Domestic Violence [OLD]

What is it?

Domestic violence is the pattern of coercive behavior designed to exert power and control over an individual. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in the United States. On average 35 assaults have occurred before the police are called the first time.


What are the stats?

In 2016, the Domestic Violence Unit of the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office reviewed:

450 domestic violence felony cases

filed 142 new cases 

cited 42 probation violations

2,614 domestic violence misdemeanor cases

filed 451 new cases

cited 91 probation violations


What is considered domestic violence?

To understand the different types of domestic violence, see the Power and Control Wheel below

 Cycle of Violence Wheel in English


Where can I get help?

Contact the Family Justice Center at 925-521-6366 or 510-974-7200.

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